2020/05/01 We have written a scientific paper titled ‘The Rituals in the Japanese Living Spaces’. It is published in the Jusoken Research Papers No.46.
2019/11/08 Katsuya will give a lecture and attend a talk event under the theme of “History and Aesthetics – The Composition of Structure and Expression of Space in Traditional Architecture-” at the Tapered Gallery in Tokyo University of Art.
2019/09/21 Katsuya will attend a talk show at the Prismic Gallery’s “New Nature Exhibition” with Ryu Mitarai and Hirokazu Suemitsu.
2019/04/19 Ware House of Time has won the 2019 Annual Architectural Design Commendation from the Architectural Institute of Japan.
2019/04/20 Fukushima would present at the Architectural Hisotry Society’s 2019 conferencese. Details are in the link above.
2019/01/07 We have edited the special feature on the January issue of Kenchikushi. The title is “The current situation of housing design -thinking from the awards throughout Japan'”.
2018/11/09 Warehouse of Time has won the Award of Merit of 2018 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation.
2018/09/01 We have edited the special feature on the September issue of Kenchikushi. The title is “The 30 years of housing design in Japan -thinking from the ‘Jutaku Kenchiku Awards'”.