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  • 2024/09/09 Paper partition was selected as long list in KUKAN DESIGN AWARD 2024.

    2024/04/20 Katsuya Fukushima presented research results at a debriefing session of the Window Research Institute.

    2024/04/19 “HOLZ BAU-Timber Architecture in the Early Modern Period of Germany: Expanded Edition” has won the 2024 Book Award from the Architectural Institute of Japan. 

    2024/3/8 ”c-OFFICE” “timber structure Ⅰ” “stilt house” was featured in “Scene of Structural Design”.

    2023/12/8 Items exhibited by GADEN Books at “TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR 2023” are now available for purchase.

    2023/11/01 GADEN Books/FT architects will be exhibiting at this year’s TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR.

    2023/09/18 We have updated the WORKS page.

    2023/05/09 We are delighted to announce an enlightening talk event titled “Architecture and Reference,” scheduled for the 18th of May at Daikanyama T-Site. This event is organized to commemorate the publication of ‘ex-dreams.’

    2023/04/19 Stilt house has won the 2023 Annual Architectural Design Commendation from the Architectural Institute of Japan.

    2023/03/29 Our second book “ex-dreams” has been released. 

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